mennessä Solène Fovelle | syys 10, 2024 | Publication
The SENDER project is pleased to present a recent publication from our partner, CRS4, represented by Marino Marrocu and Luca Massidda. Their paper, titled “Estimating the Value of ECMWF EPS for Photovoltaic Power Forecasting”, has been published in the...
mennessä Solène Fovelle | syys 9, 2024 | Milestone
Since April, the SENDER project partners, Hypertech and AIT, have successfully completed the final integration, testing, and fine-tuning of its demand response services. These systems are now fully operational for the project’s critical demonstration phase. This...
mennessä Solène Fovelle | elo 7, 2024 | Event
On July 17th, our project partner, Cooperativa Elèctrica d’Alginet (CEA), participated in a significant conference focused on Demand Response. The event was part of the “Cicle de Seminaris sobre Transició Energètica Local i Justa,” a series of seminars...
mennessä Solène Fovelle | heinä 27, 2024 | Event
Our project coordinator, Smart Innovation Norway, was thrilled to present its work on “Citizen engagement and co-creation in a net-zero built environment transition: challenges, best practices from EU-funded projects and future directions” at the Net-Zero Future 2024....
mennessä Solène Fovelle | heinä 1, 2024 | Project meeting
SENDER partners gathered two weeks ago for the 8th consortium meeting in Tampere, Finland generously hosted by VTT team. This was the occasion to exchange on several topics such as the ongoing piloting phase, users’ engagment and the after project. A few kilometers...